
Teknia is much more than a mobility partner

Teknia is the sum of its factories, the story of a company that built itself and has grown and evolved over time, thanks to the people who are part of it.

Our heart beats in a factory and we are proud of it. We are the sum and multiplication of each piece that makes up our company a whole with meaning and significance.
Ana San Vicente

Financial Director

Enrique Iglesias

Workshop Manager

Beatriz Bueno

IT Specialist

Sonia Ballesteros

Calibration technician

Thiago Costa


Jon Garmendi

Section Manager

Estefania Jiménez

Production administration

José Vicente Molina

Lathe operator

Ioritz Iglesias

Transfer supervisor

Krzysztof Parus

Industrial Manager

Mariano García

Section Manager

Wellington Sales

Assembly supervisor

Arkaitz Santamaría

Deputy to the manager for maintenance

We imagine to create, to make things better. We know how to innovate with our partners and for them. Because it can always be done better and faster.
For any questions, send us an email