Our first Strategic Day


Nuestro primer Strategic Day


Teknia presented its new strategic plan to a group of banks, financial entities and institutions at its Teknia Bilbao plant. The company held its first Strategic Day. A conference aimed at highlighting its business model and growth prospects for the coming years.

The new strategic plan ‘Moving Teknia 2025’ was presented at the event, along with the Group’s financial strategy, the company’s main commercial achievements and plans in the field of Sustainability.

The ‘Strategic Day’ was led by Teknia’s CEO, Javier Quesada de Luis. Together with several members of the management team, delivered an overview of the company at the present time.

The event was organised by Teknia’s Communication and Institutional Relations team. It also served for the attendees to get to know the plant. The Teknia Bilbao team accompanied the guests on a tour of the facilities. During the tour, they explained the machining technology and the position of the factory from a more technical point of view.

Getting to know Teknia from a triple-impact perspective

Teknia’s main sustainability commitments for the coming years were also presented at the conference. Among other goals, it was explained that the company aims to reach targets of 80% of energy consumption from renewable sources and to maintain ESG requirements for 100% of its suppliers.

According to the company, sustainability has evolved to become a key issue on the regulatory agenda and a priority for customers, financial institutions and institutions.

Gonzalo Prieto

“As part of its commitment to strengthen relationships with all stakeholders, Strategic Day allows us to share our roadmap with our financial partners and institutions. We were very pleased with the great reception and the energy and determination with which we are facing the future.”

Gonzalo Prieto
Communications and Institutional Relations Director at Teknia